Saturday, January 31, 2009

And Hillary said Obama was a novice..

Here is a great comment from a reader over on Real Clear Politics. It was attached to the earlier article by Ben Shapiro.

Posted by: libluv
Jan 31, 10:35 AM

The Prophet Obama is off to a good start reversing US foreign policy. His actions tell the world the war on terror is over. Closing Gitmo, out of Iraq in 16 months, punish any rabid dogs in the CIA or military intelligence, that don’t coddle terrorist properly. Now, he’s on al-Arabiya TV saying: “I’m a cool cat look at me and check out my name. Can’t we all get along dudes”? Of course, I paraphrase, but this is the gist of it. The Prophet BO is currently working on a letter for Ahmadinejad. It goes without saying that it will be elegant and of novel proportions. Probably, will need to be sent UPS oversized. This letter can be summed up in short order. “Look Ahmy, I am a good guy and want to cut the Sh-t out of the US defense Budget. I am throwing 800 Billion down the toilet, and plan to do it a couple more times this year and next. We will be leaving Iraq in 16 months. It’s all fixed up, and you can roll in and take her. I will continue to denounce your Nuclear Bomb program but, between you and me, it’s okie dokie. We will no longer watch Israel’s backside she is on her own. Just promise me two things. 1, you won’t slip a freedom fighter (formally known as a terrorist) a Nuclear weapon. 2, you will moderate the hate you teach your children toward the US, and only allow our flag burned on special occasions. Maybe, you can also put in a good word for us to our Muslim brothers?”

And Hillary said Obama was a novice..

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