Tuesday, March 31, 2009
N.Korea to Crush Intercetors

N.Korea Rodong Missiles Have Nuclear Warheads!

March 31, 2009
from KYODO News
The U.S. and South Korean intelligence authorities have obtained information that North Korea has succeeded in miniaturizing nuclear bombs made using plutonium extracted from its Yongbyon nuclear complex, a senior analyst at an international research institute said Tuesday.
The intelligence circles have also obtained information that North Korea produced nuclear warheads that could be mounted on medium-range Rodong missiles and they were stored in two underground facilities in the northern part of the country, Daniel Pinkston, a senior analyst at the Seoul-based Northeast Asia office of International Crisis Group, told Kyodo News.
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G20 - A Group too diverse to succeed?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Special to The Japan Times
HONG KONG — Amid great fanfare, pestered by a rainbow alliance of protesters, and protected by almost blanket security costing $30 million for a mere seven hours of meetings and making London a virtual no-go area, the leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) countries meet this week, promising to restore hope and prosperity to a world battered and bruised by financial and economic crises.
Unfortunately, there are too many doctors already squabbling over the diagnosis and which medicines to take, vitamins or antibiotics, starvation or a rich diet, energy boosters or that new but expensive wonder drug that might have damaging side effects; moreover, the doctors are going to have to take some of their own medicine, and they don't like that at all.
There are many good reasons for the world's top economic powers to come together, not least because the global economy has fallen off the proverbial cliff edge. In October, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was more pessimistic than his own economists, but all scorned the idea that the world as a whole would fall into recession. Indeed, the economists expected positive growth of 3 percent, thanks to rapidly growing developing countries like China and India.
There has been a rude awakening. Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank predicted, that global growth this year will be minus 2 percent, the first time since the end of World War II that there has been negative global growth.
The IMF is slightly less pessimistic, expecting only minus 0.5 percent. But there are plenty of ominously gloomy signs. World trade, the main engine of growth, has spluttered and fallen by 9 percent. Protectionism is growing from the United States and Russia, to China and India. The U.S., France, Germany and Japan are looking for ways to protect their carmakers.
Jobs are being lost in the thousands, adding up globally to tens of millions. The U.S. and China are being noticed most because of the large numbers involved, but every country is suffering except perhaps North Korea (the harder-hit victim of its own isolation). The idea that rapidly growing developing countries had their own momentum and would be immune to global trends has been found wanting: The poorest countries are faring relatively worst, with children being taken out of school to try to earn pennies for their families.
One problem for the summit is where to start. The extensive agenda includes too many key issues, including: How much extra stimulus governments should pump to revive their own and the global economy and get sustainable growth going again; what new rules and regulations should be put in place to stop future financial excesses and restore confidence; how to stimulate trade and prevent the resurgence of protectionism; what special measure should be taken to help the poorest countries; what new powers and funds should be given to the IMF and World Bank; what part the two should play in a reformed international financial system.
On its Web site, the G20 boasts that its members account for 85 percent of global output. In striving for inclusiveness it has become unwieldy. Ideas of giving emerging economic mega-powers China and India a greater voice have been lost in the profusion of voices at the top table, though critically Bangladesh, Pakistan and the oil-rich Gulf, apart from Saudi Arabia, are missing.
The G20 has become the G-22 with the unaccountable admission of the Netherlands and Spain. Places also have been found for the Czech Republic, as chair of the EU, plus the president of the EU commission — how the Europeans love double and triple dipping — the heads of the IMF and World Bank, the U.N. secretary general and chairs of the African Union, ASEAN and other regional bodies, making it a "G30something" circus of more than 1,000 summiteers.
Mutual bitching has already started. A small taste greeted British Prime Minister Gordon Brown last week in Brazil where he went trying to find common cause to set the world to rights. On the same platform as the British leader, President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva launched a stinging attack on the "white and blue-eyed" people "who appeared to be gods of wisdom" who started the crisis that has engulfed the world.
President Barack Obama is not blue-eyed, but there are plenty of leaders who are gunning for the U.S. and American-style capitalism. There is a great gulf between the U.S. and Europe, and the leaking in Der Spiegel of a draft final communique containing plans for a $2 trillion global spending boost has been seen as a German ploy to defeat such spending.
There is a real danger that infighting among the old G7 members preoccupied by domestic politics may prevent China, India or the emerging countries being heard. Canada has already said specifically that helping the world's poorest countries is "secondary" to the need to restore global growth.
Kevin Rafferty, editor in chief of PlainWords Media, was managing editor at the World Bank.
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N.Korea to put 2 U.S. Journalists on Trial

from The Korea Times
03-31-2009 20:12
By Kim Sue-young
Staff Reporter
North Korea announced Tuesday that it will try two U.S. journalists it has detained on charges of illegal entry and committing hostile acts, as opposed to expelling them.
Analysts say that the decision means it could take long time to get the pair released.
Laura Ling and Euna Lee, both working with independent media Current TV, were taken into custody on March 17 near the China-North Korea border.
"The illegal entry of U.S. reporters into North Korea and their suspected hostile acts have been confirmed by evidence and their statements,'' said the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KNCA).
"The state is to indict them,'' the KCNA said.
However, it did not give any details as to what the "hostile acts'' were. Intelligence sources at home and abroad said the journalists were probably being interrogated for alleged spying. Under North Korean law, people convicted of espionage can be jailed for up to 20 years.
The KCNA's announcement came hours after the U.S. State Department said that a Swedish diplomat had access to the American journalists.
"It was over the weekend. A representative of the Swedish Embassy met with each one individually,'' State Department spokesman Gordon Duguid said.
He did not specify the current condition of the Korean-American Lee and Chinese-American Ling, who are believed to have entered North Korea from China by mistake.
According to reports, they were sent to a top-security guesthouse on the outskirts of Pyongyang a day after they were arrested but State Department officials have not confirmed where they are being detained.
Billy Mays was at Obama Press Conference
Billy Mays at Obama Press Conference
This probably went better than it would have if the ShamWow guy showed up too.
March 31,2009
Tax Problems for HHS nominee Kathleen Sebelius

by Michelle Malkin
March 31, 2009
Knock me over with a feather. Another Obama nominee made “unintentional” errors, meaningless goofs, nothingburger mistakes on her tax returns.
It’s HHS nominee Kathleen Sebelius. Via Brian Montopoli of CBSNews:
Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama’s nominee to become Health and Human Services secretary, said in a letter obtained by the Associated Press that she made "unintentional errors” on her taxes and has corrected her returns from three different years.
In the letter, which was sent to senators and dated today, Sebelius wrote that she had made changes related to charitable contributions, business expenses and the sale of a home, according to the AP.
The wire service reports that she and her husband paid just over $7,000 in back taxes, along with $878 in interest, for the years 2005-2007.
Would You Buy A Car From This Guy?

from the blog THE POWERS THAT BE
Would you clone your beloved departed pet?
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Couple spends $155,000 to clone dead dog
Their beloved Lab had died of cancer; ‘we have gotten negative feedback’
By Michael Inbar
from the TODAYShow.com
The miracle of life made an encore for Edgar and Nina Otto. A year after their beloved yellow Labrador retriever, Lancelot, died of cancer, the Florida couple welcomed a cloned copy into their home Tuesday. They’ve dubbed their doggie double “Lancelot Encore.”
Speaking live with Al Roker via satellite on TODAY Wednesday, Edgar Otto said that it only took the 10-week-old puppy a few hours to assume his forebear’s place of preeminence in the family’s large menagerie, which includes nine other dogs.
“This morning, when the pack runs from the bedroom into the kitchen, he led the pack, which the old Lancelot did,” Edgar told Roker. “This is a puppy, 10 weeks old, and he led the pack!”
Nina added, “We noticed that he bonded immediately, within an hour, with every other pet in the house.”
Springing into auction
To be sure, the Ottos love their animals. On their 12-acre spread in West Boca, Fla., the couple tend to four birds, 10 cats and six sheep along with their kennel’s worth of pooches.
But Lancelot always occupied a special place in their hearts: Edgar called Lancelot “an unbelievable, humanlike dog, a true companion.” Thus the Ottos had the foresight to have DNA frozen from Lancelot six years ago.
Then, last June — six months after Lance’s death — they learned the Northern California biotech firm BioArts International was holding a dog-cloning auction. They threw their hat in the ring, and won.
The cloning didn’t come cheap — the Ottos shelled out $155,000 for the opportunity. But it worked. BioArts partnered with Dr. Hwang S Woo-Suk, of the South Korea biotech research firm Sooam, to bring a second Lancelot into the Otto household.
An egg containing the late Lancelot’s DNA was placed in a Korean dog to create Lancelot Encore. Once the pup was able to leave his birth mother and go out on his own, he was flown from South Korea to San Francisco before finally making his way to Miami International Airport, where the Ottos were pacing with anticipation.
Spitting image
“He came out of the chute and he actually ran to us, so it was amazing,” Nina Otto told Roker. “He looked just like my original Lancelot, so I was thrilled. I had been getting updates and pictures over the past 10 weeks, but the real thing is what I wanted to see.”
While Lancelot Encore acted positively puppylike on TODAY, squirming and licking the faces of his new owners as they talked, Roker asked the Ottos whether it seemed “a little kooky” to spend six figures to create a new dog in their old dog’s image.
Edgar explained that the family is hardly hurting: His father, Edward, cofounded NASCAR, “so I won that lottery.” On top of that, Edgar himself started a successful medical company.But even with their family’s good financial fortune, Nina Otto sold some of her jewelry to pay the big ticket to create Lancelot Encore.
“I can always have jewelry,” she told Roker. She added the couple entered the dog cloning lottery last summer, when “the country was not in the shape it is right now.” But when Roker asked if they would do it today, they admitted, “we would still do it.”
Still, the couple have their critics. Dr. Sara Pizano, of Miami-Dade County’s animal services department, told the Miami Herald that for the price the Ottos paid for having Lancelot cloned, “we could do spays and neuters for six months.”
Edgar Otto told the paper he donates considerable sums to his local Humane Society — and promised that if the Ottos bring an 11th dog into their home, it will come from a shelter.
He admitted, “We have gotten some negative feedback from people on the price.” Yet, as Lancelot Encore squirmed in his arms, he added, "But we feel it is worth it.”
The Racism Trap Defined

Racism cuts all ways, between all races, and any individual of any race can be equally guilty of this sin. Racism is no more a singularly white sin than is say, drunkenness or gluttony or laziness. People are people are people; sin is sin is sin.
47 Comments on "The Racism Trap Defined"
G20 Protesters - David vs Goliath - Capitalism vs Socialism

By Michelle Malkin
March 31, 2009
This is heartening: A small band of rational students is standing up to the G20 anarchist mob in defense of free markets.
Capitalist-David rally versus Goliath-protests for Socialism
by Michelle Minton
March 31, 2009
During the G20 summit something like 40,000 plus protesters slated to descend upon London. Of that number, there is a small but growing and prodigiously brave group of idealists planning to throw their message and bodies into the breach. They are not there to demand government action against climate change, stricter business regulations, nor are they requesting money for the poor, hungry, or infirm. Their message is simple, but profound: Get out of our way.
This small band, comprised mostly of university students and recent graduates wants only to communicate the message to the world that capitalism is not to blame for the current economic crisis. In fact, they want people to know that interventionist policies are what got us into the mess in the first place and increased state intervention is unacceptable.
“The point must be made, essentially, that we do not live in a Capitalist system and certainly not a Laissez-Faire Capitalist system. The sectors of the economy that failed were the most regulated sectors of a ‘mixed-economy’,” said Rory Hodgson, University of York student and protest organizer.
Perhaps because those still in university and recent graduates have the most to lose that they are willing to risk physical harm in order to oppose the ever-tightening choke-hold the government has on the economy. But we should all be as worried about the future and willing to fight the increasing anti-capitalist sentiment and the vulnerability of individual liberty.
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Salary control: You knew it was coming

Obama courts 'West-haters'
March 31, 2009
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – Concern has been mounting over President Obama's scheduled participation in the U.N.'s Alliance of Civilizations summit in Turkey next month, with some critics painting the organization as anti-Western and advocating Iranian interests.
"The Alliance might more appropriately be called a U.N.-approved Slush Fund for Advancing Iranian and Other Islamic Interests," wrote Claudia Rosett, a Forbes contributor and journalist-in-residence with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
A separate report by the Heritage Foundation labeled the Alliance forum "well-intentioned" but with little prospect for success due to "bias and objectionable proposals to freedom of expression." The report was titled "Why President Obama should not attend the Alliance of Civilizations forum."
Obama is reportedly due at the Alliance April 7. The organization was formed in 2005 as an offshoot of the Dialogue of Civilizations, an earlier U.N. project founded by former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, who is still a member of the Alliance.
Other Alliance member states or participating organizations include China; the Organization of the Islamic Conference; the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; the Arab League; Turkey; and the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. Not on the list is Israel.
In 2006, the Alliance released a 63-page official report largely laying blame on the West for negative perceptions of Muslims and Islam. The report only mentioned Islamic terrorism once – in its recommendations section where it suggested the Western media should not use the term terrorism.
The Western media should refrain from using certain terms in reporting on Muslims and Islam, the report recommended, "including the use of terms such as 'Islamic terrorism' and 'Islamic fascism' – [which] have contributed to an alarming increase in Islamophobia which further exacerbates Muslim fears of the West."
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Attack on the U.S. Capital is next says Taliban Chief Mehsud
I'm going to take a wild guess that this guy is not one of the moderate Taliban that Obama wants to have tea with.
Very soon we will launch an attack in Washington which will amaze the entire world – Taliban Chief Baitullah Mehsud
SOURCE: Free Internet Press
LAHORE: Pakistan's most wanted militant on Tuesday claimed responsibility for a deadly police academy assault and threatened to attack the U.S. Capital in retaliation for a series of air strikes. ( Watch )
Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, for whom the United States has posted a five-million-dollar reward, said there would be more attacks after Monday's raid on the Lahore police training school that left 12 people dead.
"We claim responsibility for the attack," Mehsud, blamed for the 2007 assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, said by telephone from an undisclosed location. "This was in retaliation for the ongoing drone attacks in the tribal areas. There will be more such attacks."
"Very soon we will take revenge from America, not in Afghanistan but in Washington, which will amaze the entire world," Mehsud warned.
Seven cadets, a civilian and four attackers died in Monday's raid on the police academy in eastern city Lahore, sparking fears that unrest is seeping out of the tribal badlands and into the heart of Pakistan. Assailants armed with guns, grenades and suicide vests shot their way into the academy in the morning, triggering eight hours of gun battles that lasted until they were overpowered by security forces.
Mehsud, who was accused by the former government of masterminding Bhutto's killing, heads the feared Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The US State Department has branded him a "key al-Qaida facilitator" in the semi-autonomous South Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan. Mehsud said he had set up a council of mujahedeen (holy warriors) grouping different groups "to step up attacks on US and NATO forces in Afghanistan."
He dismissed the US reward for his arrest. "The maximum they can do is martyr me," he said. "We will exact our revenge on them from inside America." Mehsud's group is influential in both North and South Waziristan, as well as in the Bajaur tribal district to the north, which Pakistani security forces said they had effectively cleared last month following a major offensive. He commands thousands of fighters across the tribal areas on the Afghan border, although official estimates vary on the precise number. His capacity for launching attacks outside the region is questionable.
At least 35 US drone strikes have killed over 340 people in Pakistan since August last year. The US military does not usually confirm such attacks, but its armed forces and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operating in Afghanistan are the only ones to deploy drones in the region.
In Lahore, interrogators questioned dozens of people over the assault. Punjab province's police chief Khalid Farooq said 50 had been picked up. "These people will now be interrogated," he added. "Things are moving in a positive direction but it is too early to say who was involved." A bearded man -- who interior ministry chief Rehman Malik said was Afghan -- was arrested for allegedly trying to attack police outside the compound. Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif said a judicial commission would be set up to investigate the attack, whose findings would be made public. Chief suspects for the attack are homegrown Islamist groups or Taliban and al-Qaida militants holed up in the tribal areas.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at an international conference on Afghanistan Tuesday, backed plans for reconciliation talks with members of the Taliban or past Al-Qaeda supporters who reject violence. "They should be offered an honorable form of reconciliation and reintegration into a peaceful society, if they are willing to abandon violence, break with al-Qaida, and support the constitution," she said. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband condemned Monday's attack near Lahore and pledged international help to root out the extremist threat. Lahore was also the setting for the March 3 gun attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team that left eight Pakistanis dead.
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Netanyahu: Biggest peril to Israel and mankind is...

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Officer & K-9 attacked by Modesto mob of 60
from The Modesto Bee
By Leslie Albrecht
March 31, 2009
A Modesto police officer had to pull his gun to keep a hostile crowd at bay early Sunday.
The officer sustained minor injuries in the southwest Modesto incident, said police spokesman Sgt. Brian Findlen. Police are not releasing the officer's name. The officer's dog was assaulted but not seriously injured, Findlen said. Police arrested several suspects in connection with the incident. A loaded assault rifle was found later at the scene of the struggle, which unfolded about 2 a.m.
Findlen said the officer pulled his gun only after other deterrents, including his police dog, failed to keep the crowd under control. "In a situation where you really feel that your life is in imminent danger, your options become very few," Findlen said.
Some members of the crowd told the officer that "he was not going to leave the scene alive," according to police.
The crowd of as many as 60 people included some known gang members, Findlen said. Police believe the group was gathered for a party in the 1700 block of Pelton Avenue. The officer happened upon the group when he was responding to another call in the area.
The officer saw several people assaulting one man, Findlen said. As the officer tried to break up the fight, the crowd's attention shifted from the assault victim to the officer. The crowd surrounded the officer. The officer sent his dog into the crowd in an attempt to stop the group.
The dog apprehended one suspect, who police later identified as 18-year-old Alfredo Espinoza of Modesto. As the officer tried to arrest Espinoza, the crowd pulled Espinoza away from the officer.
According to police, some in the crowd then challenged the officer to a fight. One suspect attacked the officer, police said.
The officer's two-way radio was broken during the struggle. The officer then used his gun to hold off the crowd as he tried to tell neighbors to call 911. Someone in the crowd had a police scanner, Findlen said, and told the rest of the crowd that other officers weren't responding to the scene. It was then that the officer was told he wouldn't be leaving the scene alive, according to police.
Backup units responded after calls from other residents.
Other officers responding to the scene stopped a vehicle and found Espinoza inside, Findlen said. The driver, 20-year-old Modesto resident Andrew Mitchell, and the passenger, 19-year-old Modesto resident Matthew Reyes, were arrested on suspicion of resisting and delaying a police officer, assaulting a police dog, and "lynching." Lynching is a law enforcement term that means forcibly removing a suspect -- in this case, Espinoza -- from police custody.
Two police scanners were found in the vehicle.
Two other suspects were arrested at the scene of the struggle. William Rodriguez, 29, of Modesto was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer, false imprisonment of a police officer and lynching. Junior Suarez, 19, of Modesto was arrested on suspicion of resisting and delaying a police officer and lynching.
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Monday, March 30, 2009
Pyongyang, Tehran: Axis Of Missiles

This is what the launch would look like if Obama and Gates had the cojones to to use our anti-ballistic missile system on North Korea's upcoming "satellite" launch.
It's not a matter of whether we can shoot the North Korean missile down, we know that we can. The bottom line is we shouldn't allow North Korea have a successful launch and confirm what their missile capability is. As soon as they they know it, the blackmail and extortion will begin.
It's hard for them to make serious threats when they don't know if their missile will explode 40 seconds into launch like the last one did.
It doesn't mean that North Korea wouldn't launch a nuclear tipped missile anyway without a previous successful launch, but if we've shot everyone of their launched missiles out of the sky, why would they believe the next one would be able to reach its target?
Beyond the nuclear missile capability, North Korea needs a successful launch for prestige and to satisfy their narcissistic leader. I hope the Obama administration hasn't made a deal with the devil, and told North Korea that they would not shoot the missile down if they would come back to the negotiating table. Let's hope not. However, Obama needs some foreign policy success, because so far, he's had none at all. Otherwise, it's hard to explain the bizarre comments, contradictions and incompetent behaviour we're seeing.
Monday, March 30, 2009
National Security: Iranian missile experts are helping North Korea with the imminent launch of an ICBM that can hit Alaska and Hawaii. Imagine a Taepodong-2 with a nuke. This is no time to gut missile defense.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, the saying goes. On Sunday, the Japanese paper Sankei Shimbun reported that a 15-member delegation from Tehran has been advising the North Koreans on their imminent "satellite" launch since the beginning of March. Iran recently launched its own satellite to demonstrate its global reach.
The Iranian experts include senior officials with rocket and satellite producer Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group and brought with them a letter from Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to North Korea's Kim Jong Il stressing the importance of cooperating on what they call "space" technology.
Cooperating they have been. The Sankei report said North Korea sent missile experts to Iran when it launched a satellite in February. North Korea is known to have sold missiles and missile technology to Iran, and Iran's Safir-Omid space launch vehicle owes much to North Korea's Taepodong missile.
Iran's cooperation with North Korea began in the 1980s, when Tehran financed Pyongyang's production of Soviet-designed Scud missiles and received 100 of them. Later, North Korea shipped engines for Rodong midrange missiles to Iran. Pyongyang also has helped Tehran set up missile production facilities, and North Koreans are regular visitors to these plants.
A November 2006 Congressional Research Service report reinforced concerns over Iranian and North Korean ties relating to missile technology. The report said Israel's military intelligence chief had information indicating that North Korea had shipped 18 long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead up to 1,500 miles.
Iran's Shahab-3 simply is Iran's enhanced version of the North Korean Rodong. Confirmed reports place Iranian scientists and engineers inside North Korea in 1993, when the Rodong-class missile was first tested and unveiled.
A 21-member delegation headed by Brigadier-General Hossein Mantequei, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander in charge of Tehran's missile force, had arrived in Pyongyang to observe the test. The Iranians were satisfied, and as many as 150 Rodongs were sold to Iran, where the missile was renamed the Shahab 3.
North Korea's upcoming test may fail, as a Taepodong-2 launch in 2006 did. But that should not reassure us. Success is inevitable, even for the last Stalinist regime on earth. Working in tandem with Tehran, we may soon be faced with two nuclear powers capable of hitting Western cities.
As we have noted, if you can orbit a satellite, you can deliver a warhead anywhere on earth.
We forget these missiles don't have to be accurate. A single nuclear warhead detonated over the American heartland would fry our technological infrastructure and catapult America and its economy back into the 18th century.
This is no longer a theoretical discussion about hitting a bullet with a bullet. North Korea may soon be able to hit our Alaskan oil fields or Anchorage. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told CNN on Friday that a variant of the Taepodong-2 "could probably get down to Hawaii."
A Taepodong-2 with a range of 6,700 kilometers has been developed, bringing U.S. bases in Okinawa, Guam, Alaska and Hawaii within the potential range of North Korean missiles. Honolulu and Pearl Harbor are within range.
Thanks to the vision of President Ronald Reagan and the leadership of President George W. Bush, we have some arrows in our quiver — from the Patriot-3 to the sea-based Aegis to the ground-based interceptors based in Alaska and California.
But is there some quiver in our arrows? Will we give up for vague promises the missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic specifically designed to deal with the Iranian threat? Will we give up expanding the missile defenses that give us a fair chance of shooting down these missiles in the hands of unstable tyrants?
Will we give up? - [my comment - If Obama has his way, the answer is Yes.]
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Obama and Acorn story was killed by NY Times

from Q and O
Heather Heidelbaugh, who represented the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee in the lawsuit against the group, recounted for the ommittee what she had been told by a former ACORN worker who had worked in the group’s Washington, D.C. office. The former worker, Anita Moncrief, told Ms. Heidelbaugh last October, during the state committee’s litigation against ACORN, she had been a “confidential informant for several months to The New York Times reporter, Stephanie Strom.”
Tags: ACORN, Anita Moncrief, Election 2008, Obama campaign
World War III or World War 3 - whichever way you prefer it...
As always, telling it like it really is...with an attitude to get your attention!
Owning the expert...
This latest video from How the World Works is in direct response to a "so called expert that challenged him on several issues from his previous ones. It covers climate change, socialism, federalism, capitalism, the depression and a few more. It's 21 minutes long, but worth every minute of your time.
5 arrested in G20 'bomb plot'

181 MILES - 180 TEAMS - 2,200 RUNNERS - 17 HOURS ON UP....
See what happens when you put these together for a foot race from Logan to Park City, Utah. JUNE 19-20, 2009 - Sold Out - Click to join the Wasatch Back waiting list
The Ragnar Relay Series has 9 more relays around the nation - Click and scroll down to Register Las Vegas, Washington D.C., Del Sol-Arizona, Texas, Los Angeles, New England, Great River-MN, Northwest Passage-WA, Florida, New York
Think of it as a 181 mile long party with 12 best friends. Teams of 12 will rock out to live bands, enjoy the wacky participant costumes, and make life-long friends with teammates and competitors. Teams will party along the backside of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains from Logan (85 miles north of Salt Lake City) to Park City, Utah (15 miles east of Salt Lake City).
AN EASY 181 - Running three legs during a 24-hour relay race is much easier than you think. Each team member runs three legs, ranging between 3 and 8 miles. This relay race is physically demanding, but legs vary in difficulty, and runners can choose their legs. This unique relay format makes the Wasatch Back an accessible race for beginners yet challenging enough for the most competitive.
LOAD EM' UP MOVE EM' OUT - How do you get from one exchange to the next? Each team is allowed two support vehicles. The first vehicle will drop off the first runner, drive ahead a few miles, cheer the runner on, and provide them with water, snacks, and plenty of love. That vehicle will then drive ahead to the first exchange point to drop off the second runner and pick up the first runner when that leg is complete. They will repeat this pattern for six legs until they hand off to their second vehicle. This leapfrogging pattern will continue all the way to the finish line.
THE GOODS - In addition to flawless logistics and a beautiful course you will receive:
Live music along the course!
Tech tee's for all participants
Medals for all course finishers!
Awards for all division winners!
Best decorated vehicle award!
Award for the best team name!
A rocking finish line party!
T-shirts for all volunteers!
RAGNAR? - Ragnar was a 9th century Norse King. He was a pirate, a raider, a conqueror, an explorer, and a wild man. The tough, fearless, rugged attributes of this Norse King are shared by all who participate in a Ragnar Relay. In much the same way, a Ragnar Relay provides runners the freedom to roam, to explore - a free-spirited curiosity to get out there and experience outdoor adventure. And maybe even to conquer. And though tough or rugged may not perfectly describe you, these attributes become a goal - something to strive for.
In a Ragnar Relay, the wild nature of this Norse King is embraced by many participants. Participants who aren't afraid to paint their van plaid, to bring along their own hair band, to join together in yelling as they cross the finish line. You may think that you are not one of them, but you are. Everyone has a wild side and nothing brings it out of you like a Ragnar Relay.
OUR STORY - Since the mid 80's, Steve Hill packed around in his mind the idea of staging a grand relay in Utah. He thought about it on his nearly daily runs, and on quite a few car trips, plane rides and nights before he dozed off to sleep. The idea of an overnight running event with 12-person teams covering designated legs over a spectacularly scenic stretch of rural roadways has been on Steve's mind for a very long time.
In late 2003 Steve Hill was waxing eloquent yet again about his dream. At which point his 23-year-old son, Dan, came up with a novel idea. "Dad," he said, "let's just do it."
Dan recruited childhood friend Tanner Bell and together they launched the Wasatch Back Relay, a wild 170-mile relay race from Logan to Park City, Utah. It started with just 22 teams in 2004, but by 2006 it claimed its position as one of the largest relay races in the nation.
The unprecedented growth of the Wasatch Back Relay attracted adventure racer/entreprenuer Eric Jacobsen and his investment group Dolphin II. Eric, Steve, Dan, and Tanner hammered out the details of a partnership over a 4-day, 240-mile, bike ride around Hawaii's Big Island, and made the partnership official in June 2006.
Soon after, Ragnar Events, LLC launched the Ragnar Relay Series, the nations largest series of relay races. The series includes the Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back (Utah), Ragnar Relay Great River (Minnesota/Wisconsin), Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage (Washington State), and the Ragnar Relay Del Sol (Arizona).
At any given race Dan and Tanner are easy to spot, just look for the bloodshot eyes. They work around the clock before, during, and after each relay to ensure that it lives up to the Ragnar name. Eric can usually be found participating in the race. He is that crazy guy cheering you on at 2:00 am, and 3:00 am, and probably 4:00 am. Steve you will find blending in with participants, joining in conversations, and basking in the glow of what his dream has become.
Providing you with an unforgettable relay experience is our passion. We love what we do and we do it well, because for us it is a dream come true.
Obama Just Displayed His Middle Finger...Again! This time it was to the American People!

His choice of Harold Koh exhibits a level of arrogance that's pathologically extreme in its nature. He's chosen someone that's so anti-constitution and anti-American, there may be even some Obamabots that might oppose him. I can't imagine anyone would want this man serving in the Obama Administration.
Obama has basically said "screw you" to the American people. He doesn't care what we think. He is going forward with his plan and daring the the republicans to try and stop him. It only take one Republican vote for this guy to be approved. Anyone who does approve him should be asked to resign immediately.
Rees (now I feel much better)
Koh: Wants US courts to apply "world law."
from The New York Post
March 30, 2009
- 'JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms."
- Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts.
- The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq.
JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms." Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts. The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq. Those are the views of the man on track to become one of the US government's top lawyers: Harold Koh.
President Obama has nominated Koh -- until last week the dean of Yale Law School -- to be the State Department's legal adviser. In that job, Koh would forge a wide range of international agreements on issues from trade to arms control, and help represent our country in such places as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.
It's a job where you want a strong defender of America's sovereignty. But that's not Koh. He's a fan of "transnational legal process," arguing that the distinctions between US and international law should vanish.
What would this look like in a practical sense? Well, California voters have overruled their courts, which had imposed same-sex marriage on the state. Koh would like to see such matters go up the chain through federal courts -- which, in turn, should look to the rest of the world. If Canada, the European Human Rights Commission and the United Nations all say gay marriage should be legal -- well, then, it should be legal in California too, regardless of what the state's voters and elected representatives might say.
He even believes judges should use this "logic" to strike down the death penalty, which is clearly permitted in the US Constitution.
The primacy of international legal "norms" applies even to treaties we reject. For example, Koh believes that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a problematic document that we haven't ratified -- should dictate the age at which individual US states can execute criminals. Got that? On issues ranging from affirmative action to the interrogation of terrorists, what the rest of the world says, goes.
Including, apparently, the world of radical imams. A New York lawyer, Steven Stein, says that, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
A spokeswoman for Koh said she couldn't confirm the incident, responding: "I had heard that some guy . . . had asked a question about sharia law, and that Dean Koh had said something about that while there are obvious differences among the many different legal systems, they also share some common legal concepts."
Score one for America's enemies and hostile international bureaucrats, zero for American democracy.
Koh has called America's focus on the War on Terror "obsessive." In 2004, he listed countries that flagrantly disregard international law -- "most prominently, North Korea, Iraq, and our own country, the United States of America," which he branded "the axis of disobedience."
He has also accused President George Bush of abusing international law to justify the invasion of Iraq, comparing his "advocacy of unfettered presidential power" to President Richard Nixon's. And that was the first Bush -- Koh was attacking the 1991 operation to liberate Kuwait, four days after fighting began in Operation Desert Storm.
Koh has also praised the Nicaraguan Sandinistas' use in the 1980s of the International Court of Justice to get Congress to stop funding the Contras. Imagine such international lawyering by rogue nations like Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela today, and you can see the danger in Koh's theories.
Koh, a self-described "activist," would plainly promote his views aggressively once at State. He's not likely to feel limited by the letter of the law -- in 1994, he told The New Republic: "I'd rather have [former Supreme Court Justice Harry] Blackmun, who uses the wrong reasoning in Roe [v. Wade] to get the right results, and let other people figure out the right reasoning."
Worse, the State job might be a launching pad for a Supreme Court nomination. (He's on many liberals' short lists for the high court.) Since this job requires Senate confirmation, it's certainly a useful trial run.
What happens to Koh in the Senate will send an important signal. If he sails through to State, he's a far better bet to make it onto the Supreme Court. So Senate Republicans have a duty to expose and confront his radical views.
Even though he's up for a State Department job, Koh is a key test case in the "judicial wars." If he makes it through (which he will if he gets even a single GOP vote) the message to the Obama team will be: You can pick 'em as radical as you like.
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Meghan Clyne is a DC-based writer